Using The IPhone. A Love Story.

So this food blog is created and maintained through a IPhone. The pictures are taken with the IPhone camera, the notes are typed from the IPhone as well. This is a project for a screen studies course and will eventually.. soon.. become a IPhone application. In time you will be able to take the blog with you and visit some of the places from the blog! Thanks for checking it out and let me know if you would like me to visit one of your favorite places and I will add it to the blog!

- Cheers!

Saturday, January 14, 2012 (SND)

I found a really great website that lets you eat socially in NYC. It's called

Definitely check it out.

The next event is still open and at $25.00 who can go wrong with a chef who worked in Michelin star restaurants!

The next event: Soup Next Door